Event - The 3rd International Conference on Earth Science & Climate Change (Earth Science-2014)

The 3rd International Conference on Earth Science & Climate Change (Earth Science-2014) will take place on July 28-30, 2014 San Francisco, USA. This conference will focus on a number of disciplines and areas of research, and will provide a forum for scientists, postgraduate & graduate students, and representatives from the private sector to discuss recent research and developments in Earth Science and Climate Change Research.

Earth Science-2014 is comprised of 10 tracks and 73 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Earth Science & Climate Change.

The main theme of the conference is: An Insight into the Recent Advancements in Geosciences and Climate Change Control, which is highlighted by the following sessions:

Track 1: Geosciences and Geology
Track 2: Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences
Track 3: Climate Change and Extreme Weather
Track 4: Technologies and Applications of Earth Science
Track 5: Global Warming and Environmental Change
Track 6: Environmental and Marine Sciences
Track 7: Environmental Calamity and Hazards
Track 8: Environmental Management
Track 9: Current Approaches in Environmental Studies
Track 10: Effect of Climate Change on Ecosystem

For more details about the event and abstract submission please click here.

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