A New Year's Message from the Green Market Oracle

Dear readers, supporters, friends and followers,

Thank you for visiting The Green Market Oracle in 2013. We have come a long way in the last seven years. During this time sustainability has emerged out of virtual obscurity to become one of the leading trends in the world today.

This site was born out of the desire to share information about sustainability and help to grow the green economy.

For more than a decade I have been working as a consultant focused on sustainability and while I find this to be challenging and rewarding work, it soon became obvious that if I wanted to auger global change I needed to expand my reach. That is why I started The Green Market Oracle in 2007 and why I regularly contribute to dozens of publications. 

When I first started writing about the green economy and sustainability in particular, there was very little coverage of these areas. Since its inception the number of readers that visit my site have grown from a thousand per week to up to 20,000 per day.

Now I am thrilled to see that there has been a virtual explosion of thousands of green themed sites and blogs. Even mainstream media like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Forbes regularly feature cleantech and other green economy issues.

The reason that so many are now interested is because the need is so acute. The spate of environmental crises we face represent humanity’s most pressing problems. We must find ways to deal with climate change, water scarcity, energy security, sustainable growth and other social and environmental issues.

Our unique focus is and will continue to be on providing succinct features and perspectives as well as tools and information to help our readers succeed in the emerging green economy.  

In 2014 I am looking forward to continuing our ambitious efforts which seek nothing less than radically transforming our world so that we can address these and other pressing environmental and social concerns.

Once again a heartfelt thank you to everyone who visits our site, you are part of the sustainable change we seek.

Have a happy and Sustainable New Year!

Richard Matthews
Owner and principle writer of The Green Market Oracle


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