Video - Green Chemistry and the Business of Providing Consumers with Safer Sustainable Materials

Green chemistry is growing in prominence in response to environmental concerns associated with traditional chemistry. Nowhere is this impact being felt more than in the area of finding replacements for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). This video offers the latest science on the way forward using green chemistry's ability to create innovative, healthy and sustainable products. It specifically shows how companies can grab market share by responding to growing consumer interest in safer, sustainable materials.

In February 2013, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme issued a joint report that identifies EDCs as a 'global threat' to public health. The report presents extensive scientific evidence linking EDCs to a range of diseases and disabilities, including some of the world's major public health epidemics: diabetes, obesity, heart disease and hormonally-related cancers such as breast cancer and prostate cancer. These findings indicate that the burden of many of these diseases may be reduced by taking preventative action to reduce exposures.

In 1996, Dr. Myers co-authored the international bestselling book "Our Stolen Future" and started shaping the field of EDC research. Today, almost 20 years later, many of the open questions with regard to EDCs' effects have been answered and new challenges have emerged.

In this video, Dr. Myers provided an overview of the main scientific discoveries, discussed why regulatory risk assessment of chemicals has missed EDC effects.

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