Event - Tar Sands Reality Check Tour (Ontario): Fossil Fuel Divestment and Climate Justice

The Tar Sands Reality Check Tour is the rallying call for fossil fuel divestment and the climate justice movement in Canada. The collective struggle against tar sands, pipelines, and the power of the fossil fuel industry has erupted into a global movement. In one short year, the fossil fuel divestment campaign has emerged to seriously turn heads at Canadian institutions. As the National Energy Board conducts its hearings on the Line 9B pipeline, the Tar Sands Reality Check tour will assess where the fossil fuel divestment movement is now, build strategy, and kick off the next phase of organizing.

The trip through Ontario will emphasize the growing divestment movement on Canadian campuses. Each stop will highlight the narratives of front-line communities and passionate activists going toe-to-toe with the industry through grassroots action.

The Tar Sands Reality Check tour will be a moment to share stories, mark our targets, highlight victories, and unite our struggle for a fossil free future. Don't miss it!

London - October 15
Peterborough - October 16
Hamilton - October 17
Toronto - October 18

© 2013, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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