24 Hours of Reality: The Cost of Carbon Online Event

The event known as "24 Hours of Reality: The Cost of Carbon!" is an online event that is taking place on October 22 and 23. (see bottom of the page for North American showtimes). In 2012 over 16 million people around the world tuned in. This year organizers expect to break that record.

Al Gore, the founder and Chairman of the Climate Reality Project, is staging this event to help raise awareness about the fact that we are already paying for climate change.

During this year's 24 Hours of Reality, the Climate Reality Project will highlight the costs of carbon pollution from our taxes to our health care bills. The day will also address how putting a price on carbon is the best way we can deal with the climate crisis.

As explained by Gore, "We can’t keep paying for polluters’ choices. To solve the climate crisis we know we have to put a price on carbon."

Watch 24 Hours of Reality: The Cost of Carbon and find out how we can make this solution a reality. In addition to watching, invite your friends to watch as well.

The North America segment will look at how carbon pollution and climate change have had a severe impact on our ways of life and livelihoods.

Showtimes: 10/22: 2pm, 10/22: 8pm, 10/23: 2am, 10/23: 8am (EDT)

To watch the video click here.

© 2013, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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