Petition to Avoid a Repeat of Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy was a superstorm that was fueled by climate change. In an effort to minimize the likelihood of a recurrence, Sierra Club has launched a petition that they will send to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Gina McCarthy. This petition tells her that "you remember the lessons of Sandy and that it's time to move beyond the biggest causes of climate disruption, starting with climate pollution from new power plants."

As of October 31, almost 4,000 people have signed the petition. See the text of the petition below:

I urge you to move forward with the strongest possible safeguards against industrial carbon pollution from new coal and gas-burning power plants.

Carbon pollution is the main contributor to climate disruption and is linked to life-threatening air pollution like asthma-inducing smog, making it a serious hazard to Americans' health and future. Power plants are some of our nation's top sources of this dangerous pollutant.

While standards for gas plants will need to be strengthened, I strongly support the new standards to clean up dangerous carbon pollution from new coal power plants. Coal plants are the source of an enormous proportion of the climate pollution facing our nation, and as we continue the transition to clean energy solutions, it's vital that our communities are protected from that pollution. The proposed standards for coal plants are an important and necessary step.

More than 3.2 million comments were submitted calling for the EPA to take climate action during 2012. Please add my name to that list of Americans who are ready for our government to protect our families, our communities, and our climate from dangerous and destructive carbon pollution.

Sierra Club

Click here to sign the petition.

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