Gore on the Government Shutdown and Climate Change: Congress is Pathetic

Former Vice-President Al Gore appeared on Pivot's late night talk show TakePart Live on October 22nd, to discuss the 24 Hours of Reality: The Cost of Carbon event and his on-going fight for worldwide climate issues and environmental awareness. The former Vice President also responded to questions about the government shutdown.

When asked about his thoughts on the recent government shutdown Mr. Gore replied:

"Congress is pathetic right now. There are some awful good people in Congress trapped in a bad system. The truth is our democracy has been hacked, big money now calls the shots. That my sound like a radical statement but less and less to people who have been paying attention to what's been going on there."

Mr. Gore also commented on the members of Congress who led the shutdown and their lack of acknowledgment for the current climate crisis:

"Here's the connection between their shenanigans on the budget and the debt limit on the one hand, and the climate crisis on the other. Some of the same people who stood up with a straight face, said it would be perfectly fine for the United States of the America to default on it's debt and lose it's good credit and denying the reality of credit worthiness. Or they would say we don't need to default because we'll just pay the Chinese bond holders instead of paying the social security checks or giving paychecks to the active duty military. That's ridiculous, it's nuts."

"But they're the same people who've been saying that the laws of physics don't apply and that global warming pollution does not cause global warming, and that mother nature is not sending a us a signal with all of these extreme weather catastrophes that the scientists are telling us are definitely connected to the climate crisis."

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