Web-Based Sustainability Reporting from GreenBox

A new startup is striving to simplify sustainability reporting making it easy and accessible to everyone. A company by the name of GreenBox is commercializing its web-based sustainability reporting software following a pilot program with real estate asset management firms.

"Sustainability is a standard business practice. The documents and reports supporting your sustainability program should be as well. GreenBox helps you create essential documents the right way with unique step-by-step wizards make creating industry-compliant reports and documents easy and affordable. Embrace sustainability without the headache!"

Sustainability reporting gives companies an edge through cost savings, risk reduction and reputation enhancement.

Sustainability, including reporting, is a huge and growing industry. According to Verdantix, US spending on sustainability will grow from $34.6 billion in 2012 to $43.6 billion in 2017. 

GreenBox is working with the Early Adopters Program to secure pilot participants. Up until now it is primarily large companies with significant assets that were able to afford sustainability reporting.

Sustainability reporting can be frustrating, particularly for smaller firms. GreenBox is making sustainability metrics and policies easy and inexpensive. As stated in their website "the new era of sustainability is here."

GreenBox has produced a software that makes it possible for every company to engage in sustainability reporting regardless of size, resources or level of expertise.

With the help of automatic data import technology and a step-by-step process companies can create industry compliant documents including sustainability policies, GHG inventory management plans and benchmark performance using analytics. Companies can use the software's training/engagement tools to turn disclosure into action. Companies report to the GRESB and the Carbon Disclosure Project.

The company’s Air Drop program also offers human advisers to help firms implement sustainability programs.

GreenBox has a goal of raising $1 million in investment capital before year-end. Investors see the need and the value and they are responding by providing more than $600,000 in seed capital to date.

The new product is scheduled for release in January 2014. 

For more information click here

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