Youth Advocacy for Action on Climate Change (Video)

Young people need to act, they also need to vote for candidates that will support them. In April, 2012, 10,000 young people came together to stand up for the Earth and push for clean energy and green jobs. This generation is engaged in a fight for survival, they are fighting for themselves and they are fighting on behalf of the children of all species. However, they are fighting against powerful entrenched interests that have spent billions to buy politicians and misinform the public. For that reason alone, this is the most important generation of Americans at the most important time in history.

Thankfully, they are standing up for the Earth and its inhabitants. As one speaker said "We are on the side of humanity," and another added "You must be the leaders of today." These people are on the front lines of a movement that has the power to change the world and if they get out and vote they will succeed.

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