24 Hours of Reality

The event known as 24 Hours of Reality begins on November 14 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Over the course of 24 hours there will be different live video broadcasts on the ways in which dirty energy has created a world of Dirty Weather. Climate disruption affects us all and it will take a collective effort to solve it.

Nobody can solve this alone. But a look back at history shows us that when millions of people come together and use their voices to demand action, real change happens. Together, it’s time to speak out. It’s time to spread the truth about climate change so we empower and inspire others to work toward solutions.

We can stop the pollution that’s disrupting our climate — and we can turn to clean energy to power our world. Renewable energy is affordable, reliable, and available today. And our leaders must set the policies in place to make clean energy available to everyone. Together, we are calling on the leaders of the world to act now and solve this crisis. Reality is on our side.

The Climate Reality Project is dedicated to unleashing a global cultural movement demanding action on the climate crisis. Despite overwhelming international scientific consensus on climate change, the global community still lacks the resolve to implement meaningful solutions. The Climate Reality Project exists to forge an unwavering bedrock of impassioned support necessary for urgent action. With that foundation, together we will ignite the moral courage in our leaders to solve the climate crisis.

The Climate Reality Project employs cutting-edge communications and grassroots engagement tools to break the dam of inaction and raise the profile of the climate crisis to its proper state of urgency. With a global movement more than 2 million strong and a grassroots network of Climate Leaders trained by Chairman Al Gore, we stand up to denial, press for solutions, and spread the truth about climate change to empower our leaders to solve the climate crisis.

Join us for 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report, when together we will stand up and demand real solutions to the climate crisis.

Help us change the world, watch the live online broadcast with former Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore. The event concludes on November 15 at 7 p.m. EST.

For more information click here.

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24 Hours of Reality


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