Meteorologist Discusses Relationship Between Hurricane Sandy and Climate Change (Video)

Forecasters say Hurricane Sandy is a rare, hybrid super storm created by an Arctic jet stream from the north wrapping itself around a tropical storm from the south. Jeff Masters, director of meteorology at the Weather Underground, warns that such a "Frankenstorm," as it is called, is an outgrowth of the extreme weather changes caused by global warming. "When you heat the oceans more, you extend the length of hurricane season," Masters says. "There's been ample evidence over the last decade or so that hurricane season is getting longer -- it starts earlier, ends later. You're more likely to get these sort of late October storms now, and you're more likely to have this sort of situation where a late October storm meets up with a winter low pressure system and gives us this ridiculous combination of a nor'easter and hurricane that comes ashore, bringing all kinds of destruction."

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