America Recycles Day 2012

Every year on or around November 15 the America Recycles Day event encourages people to enhance awareness and encourage action through thousands of events. America Recycles Day is a program of Keep America Beautiful, in 2012 it is celebrated on Thursday November 15. America Recycles Day is a nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. On this day thousands of local events will be held across the country ranging from electronics collections and document shredding events to plastic bag collections and recycled art shows. Throughout the month of November, an estimated 2 million people will join in the celebration.

Recycling is a multi-billion dollar industry that employs millions of Americans and helps advance our clean energy economy. Although we have seen progress, there is still much more that can be done. For municipal solid waste, today’s recycling rates stand at roughly 34 percent in the US.

Through the simple act of recycling and buying recycled products, consumers can create the momentum that builds materials markets and fills the supply chain of recycled (raw) materials that can help fuel our economy. But there is more opportunity. According to a report published by the nonprofit organization As You Sow, it is estimated that the value of just discarded packaging in the U.S. is worth over $11 billion.

To put a perspective on the effect of recycling, the number of cans recycled every 30 seconds equals the number of people who could fill an entire pro football stadium. And recycling just one aluminum can saves the energy equivalent of powering a 46-inch LED TV for 3 hours. A glass container can go from the recycling bin to a store shelf in as few as 30 days.

Recycling offers a plethora of benefits including green jobs, less trash in landfills and conservation of our natural resources.

For more information about America Recycles Day click here.

Next: What Businesses Can Do On America Recycles Day

© 2012, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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