Each climber is responsible for raising one dollar for every meter of the climb. That amounts to $5,895 for each climber which will go directly to the field work that Water School is doing in places like Sudan, Nairobi, Uganda, Kenya and Haiti to bring villages clean drinking water. The Water School hopes to raise $75,000 from the Water Climb, ultimately saving the lives of 7,500 people.
Every day thousands of people have to walk miles just to get a drink of clean water. According to the World Health Organization more than one in six people worldwide – 894 million – do not have access to safe, clean water. Every year approximately 3.5 million people die from inadequate access to clean drinking water and poor hygiene. One and one half million of these deaths are children. This is even more appalling when the cost of providing clean water to a child for life through the Water School program is only $10.
Water School is a 501 (3) (c) non-profit organization with a mission to provide simple, safe, strategic, and sustainable clean water solutions to the developing world. Water School was founded in 2007 by Bob Dell, a water scientist, and Fraser Edwards, a businessman with decades of experience in partnering with indigenous leaders to implement lasting change.
It is the Water School uses the method of SODIS (solar disinfection), which employs a plastic BPA-free water bottle that is placed in the sun for a day. The natural UV rays of the sun purifies water by eliminating all harmful bacteria. These bacteria are known to cause diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery and life threatening symptoms like chronic diarrhea. Water School provides the bottles and educates local people on proper health and hygiene practices. In addition, by working with local businesses to provide the bottles necessary for the SODIS process, Water School is one of the few organizations to deliver a truly sustainable solution to the world’s impoverished and developing nations.
A Haitian doctor recently commented “If we had been teaching this program for the past five years, I believe we would not have a cholera epidemic.” It takes just three to nine days for a person to die from dehydration. A mere $10 can give a child clean water for life through Water School. This is a truly innovative solution to an issue that undermines every developing nation in the world. Help Water School achieve its goal of clean water for those without.
To sponsor this worthy cause click here. For more information on the Kilimanjaro Climb and on the Water School programs, go to http://www.waterclimb.com/ or visit Water School’s website at http://www.waterschool.com/. Contact Jeff Cannon at 212 993 6464 or via email at jc@thinkcannon.com.
© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.
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