Hashtags and Twestivals Essential to Using Twitter for Green Marketing

Twitter is one of the world's most powerful social media technologies, it includes some great green and sustainable feeds that can be followed.

Since its launch in 2006, there have been over 2 billion messages posted on Twitter. A 2010 study examining Twitter usage in the US, found that Twitter now has 105,779,710 registered users. New users are signing up at the rate of 300,000 per day and 180 million unique visitors come to the site every month. Twitter gets a total of 3 billion requests a day via its API and Twitter users are, in total, tweeting an average of 55 million tweets a day. Twitter's search engine receives around 600 million search queries per day.

A hashtag is a tag used to categorize posts on Twitter (tweets) according to topics. With millions of tweets each minute, hashtags enable users to zero in on others with similar interests. Along with attracting followers, hashtags are great for pulling together Tweets of people attending a live event and to create a feed of people Tweeting about your business.

Use hashtags composed of relevant key words, examples of good hashtags are #greenstream for green news and #earthtweet for tips on living green. EarthTweet is a tweet-a-thon organized by BrighterPlanet that encourages Twitter users to do good things for the planet. Another good hashtag for finding green oriented individuals and groups to follow is #ecomonday.

Other green oriented hashtags include: #waterwednesday, #climate or #climateaction or #climatechange, #green, #greenliving, #ecofriendly, #environment, #econews, #sustainability, #sustainable, #energy, #cleanenergy, #solar, #solarenergy, #windenergy, #renewableenergy, #cleantech, #energyefficiency, #greenjobs, #recycle, #reuse, #endangered #animals, #greenbiz, #greenbusiness, #CSR, #socap, social capital. You can also ask a question on Twitter by including the #GreenQ.

Twitter Search, TweetGrid and TweetChat are services that can search and monitor hashtag use.

Twitter can be used for events with an environmental theme. This involves participating, promoting or even creating Twestivals. A green Twestival is a twitter-based global event that promotes green ideas and solutions. A great example of a successful Twestival is the "Charity: Water" event. On 12 February 2009, over 200 international cities hosted a Twestival to bring Twitter communities together to raise money for Charity: Water. With over 1,300,000 followers on twitter, the Twestival raised $250,000 and brought worldwide public awareness to the global water crisis.

The Go Green Twitter Sweepstakes was another campaign especially created for 2010’s Earth Day. Developed by Create the Good and the AARP, the campaign consisted of users tweeting examples of environmental action at @createthegood by using the #gogreen hash tag. They offered a zero-emission trip to Washington, DC for the official 2010 Earth Day celebration. Over 150,000 people participated in this campaign and its twitter feed has more than 6,000 followers.

For a comprehensive list of green feeds or to register your green Twitter feed see the Green Twitter Directory from Green Upgrader.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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