Event - Grid Modernization Summit

This event will take place on Wednesday 15 July 2015 - Friday 17 July 2015 in Washington, D.C. Grid modernization is an urgent and imperative requirement as the energy demands of the nation continue to grow, expand and evolve.

With a multitude of new energy sources, including new alternative fuel, renewable and traditional suppliers; new methods of electricity management, storage and distribution; and new technologies to direct, analyze and redirect energy, there is a driving imperative to implement a new, more efficient and effective grid to better balance supply and demand.

In addition, innovative approaches in automation, redundant systems and other related concepts, such as microgrids and improved storage methods, have allowed for a more robust and flexible system to emerge, one that is both efficient and effective and can minimize and eliminate inconsistency in service and supply interruption even in heavy demand and emergency scenarios.

This conference will cover the latest innovations, the newest concepts and the most recent developments in the industry and take a look at the future of the grid using a case study and data-driven curriculum. This event will also afford all in attendance a great opportunity to ask questions of their peers, industry colleagues and experts from throughout the marketplace in an interactive setting and networking opportunity, and provide an in-depth look today at the smarter, more effective and highly efficient modernized grid of tomorrow.

Key Topics
  • Exploring the economic benefits of achieving an improved grid balance of power generated from traditional and green energy sources
  • Improving the flexibility and adaptability of the grid system to handle varying levels of power draw and electricity generation in real time, to effectively balance supply with demand
  • Examining the focus areas for grid modernization – Visibility, Understanding and Flexibility – and the goals and objectives of each
  • Examining the security requirements and best practices in maintaining a secure yet adaptable power production and distribution system
  • Reviewing the latest innovations and advancements in grid design and construction and how they can improve automation of demand response, incorporate microgrids and minimize outages
  • Adopting new design materials and approaches that increase the strength of components, redundancy of operation and resiliency of the grid
  • Navigating the regulatory initiatives, requirements and procedures to incentivize adding capabilities and expanding operational capacity
  • Balancing small and large scale generation operations, as well as conditional sources like wind and solar, into dynamically managed “Internet of electricity”
  • Leveraging the power of automation and computer-driven management systems to more rapidly divert resources, meter distribution and balance the grid
  • Grid modernization case studies, pilots, analytics measures and outcomes … and more!

Who Will Attend

This conference is design to appeal to power industry providers and personnel who are seeking more information on the benefits of Grid Modernization. Representatives from small- and large-scale energy generation facilities will also get the latest information about the growing market, and learn how to best position themselves for pricing their electricity services. Including:

Energy industry executives, policymakers, energy consultants and engineers, legal and regulatory professionals, academics, non-profit and community leaders, consumer advocates and other interested stakeholders:

Chief Utilities Officers and Executives
Engineers and Operations Specialists
Federal, Municipal, and Public Policy Government and Agencies
Utility Industry Regulators

Regulatory, Policy and Standards Administrators
Utilities and Power Generation Companies
Grid Operators and Network Planners
Academic and Research & Development Professionals
Renewable Energy Project Developers


Industry Consultants, Solutions Providers, and System Integrators
Investor Community and Industry Stakeholders
Equipment and Software Vendors:
Smart Grid/Soft Grid Developers
Energy storage equipment manufacturers and technology providers
Energy storage service providers and integrators
Transmission and distribution equipment suppliers
Battery manufacturers and component providers
Renewable energy developers and technology providers

Click here to register or contact Ashley Henderson by phone at 414-221-1700 or by email at ahenderson@acius.net


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