Ethical Corporation (Video)

There are a number of truly great organizations that are at the vanguard of efforts to help make the business community more sustainable. One such organization is called Ethical Corporation. They provide a host of resources that give businesses the information and tools that they need to be more sustainable. They specialize in CSR, compliance, risk and governance communities. They offer topical and insightful business intelligence and meeting places.

Ethical Corporation's conferences focus on strategy and management and they are widely recognized as the best in the field. The Responsible Business Summits are their flagship events.

The 14th annual Responsible Business Summit known as RBS15 took place on May 19 - 20th, 2015, in London UK. This event is Europe’s largest corporate sustainability gathering and it brought together more than 300 senior corporate leaders working in sustainability, CSR, supply chain, and communications. The 2015 event addressed some key issues and opportunities, including: sustainable innovation, collaboration, and resource efficiency and brand strategies.

As explained on their website, Ethical Corporation's mission is to "help businesses around the globe do the right thing by their customers and the world. " They explain that providing a future for everyone makes good business sense.

Ethical Corporation provides business intelligence to more than 3,000 multinational companies, NGOs, think-tanks, academia, governments and consultancies. They publish the leading responsible business magazine, website, and research reports. They are a part of FC Business Intelligence Ltd, an independently owned company based in London.


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