Video - Do You Believe the Senator with the Snowball?

On February 26, 2015 Senator Whitehouse refuted Senator Inhofe's absurd comments on climate change. Whitehouse specifically addressed Inhofe's ridiculous use of a snowball as a prop to try to prove his irrational point that the cold and snow in Washington disproves climate change. Whitehouse schooled Inhofe and other climate Luddites about the polar vortex. He then went on to point out all of those who accept the existence of anthropogenic climate change.

  • You can believe NASA or you can believe the Senator with the snowball
  • You can believe the US Navy (and National Security leaders) or you can believe the Senator with the snowball.
  • You can believe religious and faith groups or you can believe the Senator with the snowball.
  • You can believe corporate America (Coke, Pepsi, Ford, GM, Caterpillar, Walmart, Target, VF Industries, Nike, Mars, and Nestle and others)
  • You can believe every major scientific society or you can believe the Senator with the snowball.


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