Today is the Day to Divest from Fossil Fuels

Today is the start of the largest fossil fuel divestment movement in history. Thousands of actions on six continents will show we are moving away from dirty energy towards a cleaner future powered by renewables. People and organizations all around the world are coming together to challenge the social license of the fossil fuel industry's right to operate. The fossil fuel industry is the primary contributor to climate change while at the same time they finance powerful lobby groups and political parties that obstruct responsible climate action.

Only a few short years ago launched the fossil fuel divestment campaign. That movement has grown across America and around the globe. Now divestment is the fastest growing movement in the world today. Already more than 140 institutions representing over $50 billion in assets have committed to divest. For both moral and financial reasons now is the time for you to divest from fossil fuels.

In the absence of responsible political leadership people divesting from fossil fuels and making their voices heard. We know that Republican control of Congress in the US and Conservative governments in Canada and Australia make it impossible to secure the kind of legislative changes that could make a difference. In addition to advocating for a transition to more responsible political leaderships, grassroots organizations are taking the fight directly to the fossil fuel industry and making a powerful case for divestment.

The movement is a reflection of the fact that 80 percent of all known fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground if we are to have a chance of staying within the internationally agreed upon 2 degree Celsius upper threshold limit.

Later this year the COP 21 climate negotiations are scheduled to convene in Paris. At this meeting world leaders are expected to sign a global climate agreement. Global Divestment Day intends to break the climate gridlock and set the stage for the meeting in Paris.

This is the year that we take a stand to begin the process of ending fossil fuels. Together we can make 2015 a turning point by embracing divestment on a mass scale. For the love of our planet lets end our relationship to fossil fuels and invest in clean renewable sources of energy.

Over the next two days (February 13 and 14) thousands of events (rallies, vigils, flash mobs, banner drops, sit-ins, or other creative action) are taking place all around the globe.

Click here to find an event near you.


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