Canadians Do Not Share Harper's Oil Obsession

While the Conservative government of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper was busy advancing the interests of the fossil fuel industry, Canadians appear to have moved on. As a federal election draws near it would appear Conservative strategists did not notice that Canadians have moved passed this government's 19th century oil obsession.

Even in Alberta, Canada's oil hub, Canadians are at odds with the Harper government. The pro-fossil fuel Alberta Oil Magazine recently published a National Survey on Energy Literacy, it found that Canadians are opposed to all of the Harper governments proposed pipeline projects (including the Kinder Morgan and the Northern Gateway).

The Energy East pipeline should not expect support from Quebecers as more than half described the oil and gas sector as an "environmental disaster." A total of 40,000 Canadians have already voiced their desire for a climate review of Energy East.

Educated Canadians are the most likely to be mistrustful of fossil fuel companies when it comes to carbon emissions. Nine out of ten educated Canadians are mistrustful and only 10 percent of post secondary graduates find oil and gas industry associations credible and trustworthy when it comes to carbon emissions.

While less than a third (30.3 percent) of Canadians described the oil and gas industry as essential, that number falls to 16.5 per cent in the 18-34 age group. Less than 10 percent of the same age group see the tar sands as essential. Overall less than one in five Canadian see the tar sands as essential.


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