Midterms 2014: Energy an Issue in Swing States

In the 2014 election cycle Energy is an important issue in swing states. However, do not expect these states to vote for champions of clean renewable energy. Instead swing state voters are likely to throw their support behind candidates who advocate for good old fashioned oil and gas.

According to survey results, voters in five swing states indicate that energy is a higher priority issue than environmental protection and climate change. The survey by Hart Research Associates for the League of Conservation Voters, NextGen Climate Action and NRDC Action Fund found that 56 percent had heard about candidates’ positions on energy issues. Energy ranked fourth behind abortion, jobs, the economy and healthcare.

Despite efforts to put clean energy on the map, the 2014 media coverage in swing states is largely a reflection of what we saw in 2012. Media coverage in these states favors the agenda of oil and gas companies and people can be expected to do what the TV tells them to do.

Energy is indeed a part of the voting equation in 2014, right alongside local issues like stray chickens, hunting and snowmobiles.

© 2014, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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