Obama Standing Up to the GOP by Promising to Veto Keystone XL Legislation

President Obama said that he will veto the GOPs efforts to push through the Keystone XL. He sees that the GOP is gunning for him and his climate agenda. Rather than backing down he is standing up to Big Oil and their Republican minions.

By standing up to Republican threats Obama is showing that he is a man of integrity and a true champion of the environment. The move is consistent with the President's promise that he will only allow the pipeline to be built if it, "doesn’t increase climate change."

The Keystone XL is among a list of targets that the GOP have identified as low hanging fruit. The fact that Obama has indicated that he will veto any Congressional legislation forcing approval of the Keystone XL pipeline is a bold move.

The President's position is particularly noteworthy in light of the fact that even before the midterms, there were 57 Senators that supported the Keystone XL all of whom remain in the Senate.

In the new year there will an influx of Republicans that are even more strident supporters of fossil fuels including the notorious tar sands pipeline. This will mean that there will be a filibuster-proof 60 Keystone supporters.

Besides court action, only a Presidential veto can keep the pipeline from being built.

In response 350.org Executive Director May Boeve issued the following statement:

"It’s good to see the White House drawing a line in the sand on Keystone, and standing up for our climate. President Obama is right to veto politically-driven legislation that undermines the State Department’s independent review process, and increases our reliance on fossil fuels. We’ll continue to support President Obama to stand up to Big Oil and reject Keystone XL once and for all."

Reasons Why the Keystone XL is a Pipedream
Keystone XL will Emit 4 Times More Pollution than Originally Thought
The Politics of the Obama Administration's Keystone Delay
Buying Support for the Keystone XL
A Brief Review of the Keystone XL Saga
The Fate of the Keystone XL: The Ball is in Your Court Mr President
Refuting the Rationale for Approving the Keystone XL
Business Leaders, Scientists, Economists and Ordinary People Reject the Keystone XL
Video - Two Million Comments Rejecting the Keystone XL Pipeline
Video - Obama's Top Aids and Democratic Donors Oppose the Keystone XL
Keystone XL will Fly or Fail Depending on Who you Talk to
The Keystone XL Pipeline: Debunking Four Cardinal Lies
Moving Bitumen by Rail Rather than Pipe will Lessen Tar Sands Expansion
Ten Reasons Why Nurses Oppose the Keystone XL
Comparison of the Keystone XL and Renewable Energy
Video - A New Approach to Protest Against the KXL
Video - Farcical Comedy on Keystone XL Jobs
How Come the Keystone XL is so Hard to Kill


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