Event - CBSR Summit: The Transformational Company

The 12th Annual CBSR Summit - The Transformational Company will take place on Wednesday, November 26, 2014 (8:00 am - 7:00 pm) at the Daniels Spectrum building in Toronto, Ontario. They will build on last year's Summit where they introduced the Transformational Company Framework and how it is applied. They will look more closely at how Corporate Responsibility teams are aligning with Human Resources, Finance, Communications and Brand Managers to drive business value while scaling up their efforts to address systemic societal risks and challenges.

Why Attend?
  • Learn how progressive companies are embedding social and environmental performance into their corporate culture and their operations. 
  • Gain leading-edge strategies, practical tools, and case studies of how your company can address systemic challenges; yield a lasting impact with your stakeholders; achieve a competitive edge; and become a catalyst for scaling transformation in Canada.

Luncheon Keynote

Christopher Walker, Director, North America at World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Featured Topics

CBSR’s 12th Annual Summit will feature fours sets of presentations focused on how Corporate Responsibility (CR) practitioners are embedding sustainability across the traditional business units. Here are some of the topics we will be exploring:

Human Resources & Community

How are CR practitioners working with HR and Community Engagement leaders? Create a modern employee engagement programs that delivers real impact:  Jordan Ekers, Business Development at Nudge Rewards and Jacqueline Emes, Community Investment Manager at Tangerine

Putting your teams' core skill set to good use through skills-based volunteerism: Janelle St. Omer, Director, Community Investment at Volunteer Canada

Deborah Feor-Swartz, Corporate Social Responsibility Lead Canada at Accenture Corporate humanitarianism beyond fundraising and cheque writing

Finance & Accounting

The business case for sustainability has been made and now Finance and Accounting are at the forefront of sustainability.

Learn how large institutional investors are opting for a focus on long-term investing vs. short-termism.

New market opportunities are being created through green bonds & impact investing products

Nancy Kyte, Senior Portfolio Manager, Treasury, Export Development Canada (EDC) How will emerging financial reporting initiatives like SASB standards, Integrated Reporting from the IIRC or Natural Capital reporting impact companies in the future?: Pam Campagnoni, Principal, Research, Guidance & Support at Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada)

Marketing & Communications

Communications professionals are already a big part of the annual Sustainability reporting team – so whats next?

Engaging your stakeholders through social media

Measuring and communicating the social impact of your community engagement initiatives

How are Canadian companies reporting on sustainability? Have they moved from inform to engage?

Risk & Reputation

Corporate Risk Officers and Brand Managers know all too well what happens when you don’t foresee an issue or fail to get in front of it.

CSR & Legal Risk Yousuf Aftab, Principal of Enodo Rights

Global trust and local reputation – risks and opportunities: Femke de Man, Director, Reputation at GlobeScan Inc.

Chief Risk Officers and the social, environmental and economic sustainability of your business

For More Information or to register click here

ECR Awards

CBSR is pleased to partner with the Excellence in Corporate Responsibility (ECR) Awards again this year. All Summit passes include the award luncheon so delegates can join us in celebrating this year’s winners of the ECR Awards. The ECR Awards were developed to honour and celebrate corporate Canadians for outstanding work and dedication towards creating sustainable and ethical practices within the business framework. Within the awards scheme we recognize professionals from small, medium and large corporations in every industry.

For more information about the awards click here. or contact Chris Seguin at cseguin@green-living.ca


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