The Greenpeace I ♥ ARCTIC Campaign

Join Greenpeace on April 20 2013 as people around the globe create iconic images for world leaders saying: "I ♥ ARCTIC." Thousands of people will come together this Saturday, to form human banners spelling out I ♥ Arctic. Together we will call on our political leaders to protect the Arctic from activities that put this fragile environment at risk, such as oil drilling and industrial fishing.

What happens in the Arctic affects us all - that's why we need to take action on April 20. This event is being organized ahead of the Arctic Council which is meeting in Sweden in May.

Shell has canceled its plans to drill in the Arctic this year, but the company plans to resume operations. It’s up to us to make sure this doesn’t happen. Newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry can help to do just that. Secretary Kerry was a champion for global warming legislation in the Senate and now has the power to advocate for Arctic protection through the Arctic Council.

Become a part of this global mobilization and tell Secretary of State John Kerry to be an Arctic ambassador in his role as an international delegate on the Arctic Council.

Spread the word on Facebook, Google+  and Twitter, use #ilovearctic as your tag.



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