Event - Climate Ride California

Climate Ride California will take place on May 19 - 23, 2013. Rider will go from Fortuna, CA to San Francisco, CA. Climate Ride California begins near Eureka in the midst of Northern California's majestic redwoods. From there they travel along the coast, soaking in expansive ocean views and coastal bluffs. On the fourth day, they will pedal inland along the Russian River to cruise through California's famed Wine Country, considered some of the best cycling in the US. The final day is an epic ride goes through Marin and across the Golden Gate Bridge to reach the final destination, San Francisco. Climate Ride is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that organizes life-changing charitable events to raise awareness and support sustainability, bike advocacy, and environmental causes.

The Rides

Each year, Climate Ride holds two week-long events: Climate Ride NYC-DC and Climate Ride California.
By participating, Climate Riders make an extraordinary contribution to a cause they care about. They are helping to provide much-needed financial support, raising awareness, engaging other riders, and helping to build a national network of supporters.

The reward for this commitment is the ride of a lifetime through some of America's most beautiful landscapes. Riders meet and network with leaders in sustainability, renewable energy, and environmental causes while raising awareness of our cause.

The organizations supported by Climate Ride are doing important work and the money raised makes a crucial difference. Proceeds from the ride benefit a collection of environmental and bike-related non-profits. Riders can choose to direct grants to the non-profit of their choice.

The Speaker Series

The Expert Speaker Series: Each evening of the ride, expert speakers educate and inspire Climate Riders about sustainability, climate, the green economy, and energy issues. The riders and the communities they pass through learn that our government, businesses, and each individual American will benefit from a cleaner, healthier energy system. This is a unique event — a fundraiser and green conference on wheels.

The Congressional Appointments

The Climate Ride staff schedules hundreds of appointments for riders to meet in person with their senators and representatives. In 2012 alone, they trained and scheduled more than 100 riders to meet with Congress.  They are helping to create a grassroots force of 'people-powered' lobbyists.

The Beneficiary Grants Program

The Climate Ride staff handles hundreds of inquiries from potential beneficiaries and manages a process to vet and approve the organizations that riders wish to support. They assist organizations in making Climate Ride a useful and meaningful part of their development plans. They process tens of thousands of donations and handle every aspect of the rides so that these organizations can benefit without any risk or cost - so they can focus on achieving their missions.

Community Building and Awareness

Climate Ride strives to build a engaging new community around sustainability, bike advocacy and climate issues. Their staff works to publicize these causes and promote engagement. They work to keep past and present riders engaged with the issues and the beneficiaries they support.

Who Runs Climate Ride?

Climate Ride was created by two women, Geraldine Carter and Caeli Quinn in 2008. A year later Blake Holiday joined as Ride Director. Together, the three of them have a combined experience of more than 25 years of professional, high-end bike trip leading and development. Their expertise ranges from custom trips in far-flung locales to largescale charitable events. The three have have put together a volunteer staff of professional trip leaders and guides to host these extraordinary and life-changing charitable cycling events. In 2012, Andrew Valainis joined the staff to help every single rider meet their fundraising and training goals.

Why They Ride

The ride to support a collection of beneficiary organizations that are working to engage citizens in the possibility of a green economy, educate the public about the interconnected web of environmental issues related to the climate crisis, mobilize government and businesses to enact sound energy policies that promote renewables, and raise the profile of the bicycle as a crucial form of green transportation. Your fundraising helps these beneficiaries continue to provide the critical services and education needed to address sustainability and bike advocacy issues. Right now, your fundraising and your effort to raise awareness are more critical than ever.

We can create communities with cleaner air, where we ride bikes, drive efficient cars and live and work in energy-saving, healthy buildings. If you demand it, our legislators and business community will promote clean energy and smarter transportation systems. By joining Climate Ride, you can take a step in this direction.

This transformative bicycling event is ideal for anyone who believes that change is possible and that America can take the lead in a green economy.

On Climate Ride experts from every field of work and climate enthusiasts from every state come together and brainstorm about how we can solve climate change -- while taking in the beauty and challenge of transporting ourselves, carbon-free.

For more information about Climate Ride click here.

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