Event - OFA Annual Conference: Our Working Forest

The OFA Annual Conference - Our Working Forest will take place on Friday Feb 8th 2013, in Alliston, Ontario. The 64th Annual Ontario Forestry Association Conference will be exploring the theme of "Our Working Forest".

The Conference will explore the importance of forest products in our daily lives, and the value of forest industry to our culture and economy. Over-reliance on fossil fuels, coupled with population growth is driving the need to fully harness the potential of our truly renewable resource; wood.

Appreciation for wood and wood products is growing due to initiatives on many different fronts: - Science and Engineering, through new uses for wood and its derivatives
- Policy, through regulations and incentives promoting local use of wood
- Forest Industry, though innovative practices ensuring best product and product usage
- Markets, through forest certification and green building standards
Communities, through collaborative approaches to forest management
- Individuals, through purchasing power and private woodlot management

Our Working Forest will bring together experts from industry, academia, government, and more to discuss the state of forest products today, what to expect in the future, and what this means to all of us.

Click here for more information or to register. for more details and to register.

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