Video: The Koch Brothers are Oil Billionaires on a Maniacal Mission

The Koch brothers are oil billionaires who have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to increase their own profits through decreasing regulations. With a net worth of $43 billion the Kochs have already spent decades of their lives and over $324 million of their wealth exerting their influence. Here is a video from Brave New Foundation outlining the top five worst things this climate denying duo are doing to fulfill their self serving agenda.

This video explores how the Koch brothers have gained political influence and undermined the American democracy. The Kochs accomplish their goals by funding a massive array of right wing front groups, think tanks and tea party efforts. They largely operate outside of the public eye, and target their funding to infiltrate public opinion, the media, judicial decisions and legislation. Over three dozen organizations are funded by the brothers, and they spend additional money lobbying and backing political candidates. Everything the Kochs do is to fight for a country free from protections and any degree of a social safety net for working Americans.

© 2012, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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