Sustainable Leaders forum 2012

In collaboration with the UAE Business Council for Sustainable Development (UAE-BCSD) and Aliance Middle East, the Sustainable Leaders forum will be held in Dubai on February 15th, 2012.

Based on an increasing interest in Sustainable development related issues in the region at corporate level, this Conference will provide participants unrivaled opportunities to engage with sustainability leaders and practitioners to build the business of a better world.

Sustainable leadership requires leaders to focus on four critical relationships:

The ability to learn from experience, a sense of personal purpose, and care for own physical well being and vitality.

Attending to the conversations going on in the organization and how these
influence cultural norms, the achievement of business goals and the customer experience.

As we are all participants in creating this society; we need to aim at creating social value and prosperity not only for ethical reasons, but because business needs a healthy
society in which to operate.

Protecting the environment and minimizing the environmental impact of the organization.

Responding to the needs in each of these relationships and building connections between them, will become the critical differentiator for 21st century leadership.

The long term commercial future of an organization in an increasingly complex world will depend on successful collaboration, connections and networks of relationships; it will depend on individuals and societies believing that the way businesses operate are generally acceptable and sustainable. This requires ‘sustainable leaders’ – who in turn create sustainable organizations.

Take a look at the conference program, speakers, and register to attend.

© 2012, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.


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