Top Eco-News Stories of 2011: People Power

Each year The Green Market reviews the top environmental news stories of the preceding year. Last year saw the rise of popular efforts to combat climate change including events, protests, COP 17 and the Arab Spring. On its fortieth birthday, Greenpeace's social activism was also recognized in 2011. Here is "People Power" the first part of a five part series reviewing the 25 biggest environmental news stories of 2011.

1. Social Activism Events with a Clear Environmental Message

Social activism events in support of efforts to combat climate change were ubiquitous in 2011. Although the global nature of the Occupy Movement gained a lot of attention it lacked a clear environmental focus, however, it did underscore the growing popularity of grassroots protests. One of the more interesting developments concerns the increasing involvement of the business community. Here is a summary of some of prominent social activism events that were focused on the environment.

24 Hours of Reality
EDF's Voices for Clean Air - National Week of Action 2011
ZeDay: The Global Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Combustion
The I AM Fighting Climate Change Challenge
Michigan State University Protesting Coal on Campus
Bill McKibben and the 350 Team's Global Strategies for 2011 and Business
Power Shift Rally at the US Chamber of Commerce
The Next Big Thing from Bill McKibben and the Team
Moving Planet Unites the World
Moving Planet: Beyond Fossil Fuels
Moving Planet Across Canada
Video: Moving-Planet: Bill McKibben on Solidarity
Video: Moving Planet at the U.N in New York City
Video: Introduction to 24 Hours of Reality
Two Examples of Business at Work on Earth Day 2011
10 Business Pledges in Support of A Billion Acts of Green
Green Your Business on Earth Day 2011
The Green Market's Earth Day Activity
Canadian Participation in Earth Hour Sets Records
Canadian Businesses Supporting Earth Hour
Earth Hour for Business
Go Beyond the Hour
10 Best Earth Hour Online Resources and Links
Earth Hour 2011 Official Video
Video: Earth Hour 2011
Spread the Word about Earth Hour
Climate Care Day: An Environmental Event for Business
Bike to Work Events Across North America
Bike to Work Day - A Growing Movement
Bike to Work Day
SolarDay 2011
Global Wind Day 2011
World Environment Day 2011
Campus Sustainability Day Summary of Events
Washington University in St. Louis Campus Sustainability
University of Alberta - Sustainability Awareness Week
Video: Highlights from Campus Sustainability Day
The Campus Green Builder Online Portal
Green Campus Student Resources
Sustainable University IdeaLab
Chill Out: Climate Action on Campus
Cooperation Between Environmental Organizations and Businesses
Response to Criticism of Cooperation Between Business and Mainstream Environmentalism

2. Protests Succeed in Delaying the Keystone XL Pipeline

Even though Republicans are resorting to blackmail to get the pipeline back on track, the success of protests against the Keystone XL pipeline represent an important victory for those involved in the struggle against climate change. It suggests that, when people work together they can influence political decision making at the highest level.

Republicans Use Blackmail to Gain Support for the Keystone XL Pipeline
President Obama Stops Keystone XL Pipeline
Tar Sands Day of Action in Washington DC
President Obama and the Fate of the Keystone XL Pipeline
NRDC November 6 Protest Against the Keystone XL in Washington DC
Nebraska's Special Session to Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline
South Dakota Wants Additional Protections Against Spills from the Keystone XL Pipeline
Safety Measures for the Keystone XL Rejected by Environmentalists in Nebraska
State Department Hearings for the Keystone XL Pipeline
Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Protest
Cornell University Questions the Economic Benefits of the Keystone XL Pipeline
Keystone XL Protest Ends in Washington
Oil Spills Add to Concerns about the Keystone XL Pipeline
Nobel Prize Laureates Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline
Religious Leaders Join the Protest Against Keystone XL Pipeline
US Protests Against the Tar Sands Oil
Canada on Track to be a Dirty Energy Superpower
Bill McKibben and other Protestors Jailed for their Opposition to the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline
Video: NASA's Leading Climatologist Addresses Crowd Before he was Arrested at the Keystone XL Tar Sands Protest in Washington

3. COP 17 in Durban South Africa

Despite low expectations and many obstacles, there was progress at COP 17. For the first time the world agreed to binding efforts to reduce emissions. It may not be enough, but it is a step in the right direction.

Protests Around the World Call for Climate Justice at COP 17
Will the Agreement Reached at COP 17/CMP 7 Contain Climate Change?
Details of the Deal Reached at COP 17
Extended COP 17 Negotiations Yield Agreement
Who is to Blame for Difficulties at COP 17?
Hope Remains Despite Expectations of a Dissapointing Outcome at COP 17
China an Unlikely Hero at Cop 17
The Costs of Global Warming
A Binding Agreement on Climate Change is a Matter of Life and Death
Canada is a Pariah at COP 17
The Costs of Canada's Failure to Act on Climate Change
COP 17 a Premeditated Failure?
UN Chief Warns that the Future of the Planet is at Stake at COP 17
India is Leading Resistance to a Binding Treaty at COP 17
US Demands Emissions Reductions from China and India
Polluters Dominate the Agenda at COP 17 in Durban
Video: Special Envoy Stern Discusses COP 17
Video: One South African Asks Why Canada is Silent on Climate Change
Video: COP 17 CMOP 7 Opening Remarks

4. The Arab Spring and the Rise of Africa

Popular uprisings in North Africa and the Arab world have changed the political landscape. These changes demonstrate the power of collective action. It remains to be seen whether or not pluralistic and inclusive democracies will succeed the dictatorships they overthrew. Nonetheless, these changes offer hope for a greener more sustainable future. As a consequence Africa is emerging as a renewable energy superpower.

Arab Spring and the Environment
Arab Spring Fueling the World's Most Ambitious Solar Project
Africa Industrialization Day: Leapfrogging with Sustainable Energy
WWF is Conserving Nature and Combating Poverty in Namibia
Africa a Renewable Energy Superpower
East Africa Can Learn from Iceland's Geothermal Energy Industry
South Africa and the Rise of Renewable Energy on the Continent
Lesotho's Renewable Energy Projects One of the Largest in Africa
South Africa and the Rise of Renewable Energy on the Continent
Norway a Model of Sustainability for the Arab World
Sun Powered Entrepreneurship in Ghana
House Made of Plastic Bottles in Nigeria

5. Greenpeace Turns 40

In 2011 Greenpeace celebrated its fortieth birthday. During its four decades the group has worked tirelessly to defend the environment. One of their greatest achievements involves successful campaigns to pressure businesses to engage more sustainable practices.

Greenpeace Turns 40
Lego and Mattel Bow to Greenpeace Pressure and Eliminate Unsustainable Packaging
Nike and H&M Bow to Greenpeace's Detox Challenge
Greenpeace and the Revolutionary Power of Social Media Driving Corporate Changes
Greenpeace Campaign is Asking Facebook to Defriend Coal
Greenpeace's Ranking of Electronic Companies
Greenpeace's Best Green Electronics
Video: Greenpeace Spoofs Volkswagen's Dark Side

© 2012, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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