Participate in the 2012 Green California Summit & Expo

The Green California Summit and Expo is the largest annual event focused on green policy, practice and technology. This event will take place on April 26th and 27th 2012 in Sacramento. For the second year in a row THE GREEN MARKET is proud to be an outreach sponsor for the sixth annual Green California Summit & Expo. Readers of The Green Market get a 20% discount by entering the promotional code GRMARKET.

As the world's eighth-largest economy California has unmatched potential. More than any other state, in California the economy and the environment go hand in hand. Despite challenges, California continues to set the pace for policy, practice and green economic opportunity. A green revolution is unfolding, and California has the public support, technology innovation and history of commitment to sustainability to remain at the leading edge of this revolution.

This event is attended by thousands of people and organizations associated with green and sustainable interests that includes everyone from government to the private sector. Specifically the event is attended by people like Commercial Real Estate Professionals, Building Managers, Facility Managers, Architects, Engineers, Transportation Specialists, Fleet Managers, Capital Outlay Managers, Procurement Managers, Purchasers, Recycling Professionals, Waste Management Professionals and Water Specialists.

The Summit will feature 150 companies offering green products and services, as well as keynote speakers, educational sessions, a special full-day green curriculum workshop, leadership awards, a Green Auto Mall and networking opportunities. If you are promoting a green product or service, the Green California Summit is the place to be.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Position your company as a leader in the largest green market in the country. To become a sponsor click here (PDF).

Showcase your Products and Services

Reach decision makers from state & local government, as well as commercial sector building owners, architects, engineers and others who work with state and local government.

Buyer/Vendor Lounge

One of our most popular, and unique, features is the Buyer/Vendor Lounge. At no extra charge, Summit exhibitors are eligible to participate in the Lounge, which allows them to schedule meetings with buyers who have expressed an interest in their product category.

Feedback from Participants

"The buyer/vendor lounge was a fantastic opportunity to connect with those individuals that are generally difficult to connect with. It allowed me access to state officials who were pleased to talk to me. I have followed up with them and and am excited about meeting with them in the future."

- Alex Smith, Suntrek Industries

"I do 15 trade shows each year and have yet to find a group that shows more dedication to a mission and to their sponsors."

- Susan Phillips, Product Marketing Representative, Firestone Building Products

To secure the location that you want sign up early and reserve your space so that you can guarantee the best possible booth selection.

More Information

For information call 626.577.5700 or visit their website here.

To register for the summit click here.

To see the floor plan click here (PDF)

To see the exhibitor application click here (PDF).

To advertise in the guide click here (PDF).

© 2012, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.


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