Tar Sands Day of Action in Washington DC

Sunday, November 6th, was a national day of action to tell President Obama to stop the dirty, dangerous Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline -- a proposed pipeline that would run from Canada through America's heartland.

Barack Obama gave Natural Resources Defense Council founder John Adams the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work defending the environment. Today John is at the White House again - this time to link arms with thousands of others to ask President Obama to live up to his campaign promises and reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

Thousands of people from all over the country descended upon Washington D.C. to circle the White House. This is a historic, defining moment in the push to move Beyond Oil.

While there was an impressive number of people in Washington D.C. standing up to Big Oil, it's not nearly enough. We need to build an online groundswell of awareness and support to stop this dangerous oil pipeline proposal.

You can help spread the word and let your friends and family coast-to-coast know that President Obama must stop this oil pipeline proposal.

Anyone who has examined this oil pipeline proposal quickly realizes that in addition to imperiling wildlife and an important source of water, it will increase reliance on fossil fuels and dramatically increase greenhouse gas emissions. In short it is an ecological disaster.

* Tar sands oil is the dirtiest source of oil on Earth, this pipeline is a line in the sand in our fight to stop climate disruption.

* Tar sands pipeline spills are not a question of if but when: TransCanada has a dismal safety record, including 14 oil spills in 12 months on the existing Keystone 1 Pipeline. Tar sands oil is more dangerous to transport, more difficult to clean up, and releases more toxic pollution than conventional oil.

* Tar sands oil spills in America's heartland could contaminate drinking water for millions and destroy the livelihoods of American farmers and ranchers.

Help build the movement that will stop this dirty oil pipeline proposal. Take action now online to be a virtual rally activist for our Tar Sands National Day of Action. Add your link in the online chain of action to encircle the White House.

In addition to those in Washington thousands of people took part in the Tar Sands Oil National Day of Action by participating online as virtual rally activists. They watched as live photos and videos streamed in, they also read comments and tweets live from the rally.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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