Environment and Sustainability in China Study Tour (Video)

The Environment and Sustainability in China Study Tour is a collaborative venture between La Trobe Asia and local partner CERES Global, led by Dr Benjamin Habib from La Trobe University, Ben Walta from CERES Global, and La Trobe graduate and China hand Angela Fennell. Funding for this project has been provided through the Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan. Student participants have been selected on a competitive basis to take part in this tour, which will count as a credit-bearing elective subject in their undergraduate degree.

The emphasis of the tour is on China’s response to transnational environmental problems, at the international, domestic and local levels. We recognize that China is a world leader in addressing environmental degradation through innovative political, economic and technological strategies. We are interested in learning more about these innovations from representatives of government, business and academia who are working in the environment and sustainability sphere at international, domestic and local levels.

Our student participants will be moving into careers in the area of environment and sustainability. In addition to information exchange and friendship-building, through this study tour we would like to establish a network of professional contacts between Australia and China that leads to long-term benefits and collaboration between our student participants and our new friends in China.


Make sure to see the article titled, "Comprehensive Green School Information and Resources." It contains links to over 300 articles covering everything you need to know about sustainable academics, student eco-initiatives, green school buildings, and college rankings as well as a wide range of related information and resources.


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