Event - Sustainable Brands '15 London

#SB15Lodon will take place on November 16 to 18, 2015 at the Beaumont Estate in London UK. This is the fourth year in the UK, that Sustainable Brands will be bringing together the European community - prompting leaders to actively re-imagine what's possible when unlikely partners collaborate to build multi-stakeholder partnerships and formerly siloed conversations end up in the same room together.

Reinvent yourself in response to changing norms and dive deep into the brand innovation trenches. Find detail-rich case studies, practical know-how and specific implementation tips to accelerate your business success.

Hundreds of thought leaders, brand innovators, designers, and global business leaders will gather to explore various topics and issues pertinent to sustainability. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join them in discovering how to tap emerging innovations to successfully scale sustainability.

Who should attend


I seek to solve social problems that alleviate, or altogether eliminate, resource tensions along the way.


I believe leadership stems from brands that have awareness of the impact they have on the world around them.


I encourage purpose-driven voice and invite stakeholders on interactive, co-creative journeys.


I seek skillful, sensitive design that leads to radical innovation and heightened shared value.


Supply chain disruptions are not an option. I strive for enlightenment across the entire value chain.


I encourage embedded sustainability-driven behaviors and pro-active management to drive change from within.

Through an innovative program of collaboration and information, SB’15 London seeks to provide inspiration, tools, and partnerships to drive business success and positive impact. Join us for plenaries, breakouts, workshops, the Activation Hub, and numerous networking events where you will dive deep into the brand innovation trenches to learn How to successfully innovate your brand for sustainability Now.

#SB15London will deliver world-class faculty of business leaders and practitioners who provide insight and diversity of thought. This inspiring group of leaders will address topics such as communicating sustainability, building movements for behavior change and practical system design for the circular economy.

Click here for program highlights
Click here for the list of Speakers
Click here to register.


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