Event - New Metrics '15: New Quantitative Approaches to Business Risk and Value

This event will take place on October 6 to 8, 2015 at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. This three day conference will offer insight into new metrics and practices that lead to better business performance in the rapidly emerging new economy. This conference is designed to provide metrics that facilitate the measurement of important dimensions of the new emerging economy. Being competitive requires expanded methods for identifying and quantifying entirely new forms of business risk and value. To help achieve these objectives the conference will explore the macro, corporate and investor landscapes through in-depth discussions with visionary leaders. This involves leading-edge work that expands the way business creates, quantifies and manages value.

The conference benefits from the experience of cutting edge brands and courageous corporate leaders who are already identifying and valuing the costs and impacts of the new economy. Those who are part of this conference can learn how to successfully translate previously ignored economic, environmental and social impacts into results oriented corporate financial performance indicators. At the conference these business leaders will share detailed research on macro trends, risks and opportunities including discussions on UN sustainable development goals and applicability for the private sector.

At the conference participants will discover smarter, more accurate and more inclusive business metrics that create value for all stakeholders. This includes new practical tools for valuing carbon, water and other types of natural capital, plus new intelligence on the correlation between sustainability performance and brand strength.

The investor landscape will share new research on the ROI of both public and private sustainable investing, share new intelligence on green bond indices by mainstream banks and identify new players in sustainable investing across entirely new asset classes.

Join the leading brands and businesses who are continuing to learn from remarkable thought leaders working to create a path toward smarter, more accurate and more inclusive business metrics that create value for all stakeholders.

Program highlights include value creation and assessment through quantifying costs, and risks, as well as valuing positive environmental and social impacts. Sustainability as a sales differentiator and revenue generation engine, natural capital valuation, supply chain reporting, SROI, and science based goal setting.

For the list of speakers click here.
To register click here.


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