New Charges Against MMA Employees in Lac Mégantic Train Wreck

Several people have been indicted 2 years after the tragic oil train derailment that killed 47 people and decimated the town of Lac Mégantic Quebec. This includes President and CEO of the now defunct Montreal, Maine and Atlantic (MMA) rail company Robert Gindrod, managers and the train's engineer. These people face the possibility of jail terms or fines for violations of the Rail Safety Act and the Fisheries Act.

The tragic disaster spilled vast amounts of crude into the nearby lake and the Chaudière River which contravenes the Fisheries Act and the failure to apply adequate train handbrakes is in violation of the Rail Safety Act.

A total of 6 employees will face these two charges. In addition to the CEO and engineer the general manager of transportation, the director of operating practices, the manager of train operations; and the assistant transportation director will also been charged. They face fines of up to $50,000 each or six months in jail. Although the company declared bankruptcy and was sold last year, it could be fined up to $2 million.

Criminal Charges Leveled Against those Responsible for the Lac Megantic Disaster
The Environmental and Emotional Legacy of the Lac-Mégantic Disaster
The Rail Company that Decimated the Town of Lac Megantic Quebec Sold at Auction
Massive Oil Spill from Train Derailment in the Town of Lac Megantic
MMA's Bankruptcy Protection is Unconscionable
CN Plans to Phase Out Rail Cars that Caused the Lac Megantic Disaster 
More Oil Being Shipped by Rail = More Risks 
Growing Opposition to Shipping Oil by Rail
The Dangers of Transporting Fossil Fuels


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