Countdown to COP21 - Emissions Reductions and Economic Growth: The IEA's Energy and Climate Change Report 2015

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is a champion of sustainable energy production and on June 15th they launched a special report on climate change. The World Energy Outlook Special Report 2015 is a 200 page document that was published just six months ahead of the COP21 Paris Climate Summit scheduled for December. It is hoped that all the nations will come together at the end of the year to endorse a global climate agreement. Such an agreement will reign-in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and put the world on a sustainable path.

Among other things the IEA report report offers an energy analysis that explores the relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and economic growth. It finds that for the first time we are seeing declining emissions alongside growth in many parts of the world. It further posits five pragmatic energy measures that advance climate goals without thwarting economic growth. It also indicates that we must see GHGs peak in the near term.

The report provides a detailed analysis of each nation's proposed GHG emissions cuts for COP21, formally known as the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC).

The report indicated that we need to fast track low carbon energy technologies like renewables which are essential if we are to meet our climate goals. Finally the report recommends four key energy pillars to build success at COP21

To download the 10 page executive summary of the IEA report click here
To download the entire 200 page document click here.


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