Webinar - SEPA's Annual Utility Solar Survey

A one hour webinar reviewing SEPA's Annual Utility Solar Survey takes place on June 26th 2014 at 11AM Pacific/2PM Eastern.
 This information sharing event will review the trends revealed by the SEPA utility solar survey and the Utility Solar Market Executive Snapshot. This webinar will focus on three specific trends in the areas of distributed generation and the utility business model; utility-scale solar versus distributed generation; and the development of new offerings for utility customers.

They will dive into the top ten rankings to uncover the details of the utilities that are shaping the marketplace. Explore how different market segments are deploying PV and CSP and compare the portfolios of different utilities.

The presentation will be followed by audience Q&A.

Participant take-aways will include an improved understanding of the following:

•Where and how utilities are adapting their business models in response to the solar market growth and trends.
•How today’s utilities view their customers and growing trends in what utilities are offering.
•The factors impacting growth of utility-scale and distributed generation solar markets and trends and forecast for Concentrating Solar Power.
•Who is investing in solar and what is expected in coming decades.
•How technology prices, utility/industry business models, and policy are driving solar adoption.

Target Audience: General interest to all stakeholders working in the solar and electricity markets

Speakers: Becky Campbell, Senior Research Manager, SEPA / Miriam Makhyoun, Research Manager, SEPA

Cost: Free to SEPA members and the media (subject to verification), $199 for Non-Members.

Click here to register.

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