Course - The Renewable Energy Mini MBA

The  Renewable Energy Mini MBA 16-20-June-2014 Green Power Academy / London A premium 5-day Business School for Renewable Energy focusing on the technology, markets, commercialization, planning, finance & strategy.

Course overview

Renewable energy capacity continues to be installed apace. And on a range of scales from small-scale and off-grid, to multi-MW utility-scale power plants and biorefineries. With rapidly decreasing costs this means that “grid parity” and subsidy-free renewable energy markets can become a reality.
Yet the renewable energy industry is buffeted by economic factors and other barriers in many markets, including:
  • Reducing policy support
  • Under-developed supply chains
  • Collapsing carbon markets
  • Cheapening gas supplies
  • Concerns about visual, socioeconomic or environmental impacts
Understanding these issues is critical to renewable project profitability. From technology development to business model revolutions and political drivers. It is a challenge to make sense of such a fast-paced and dynamic market. And one where few one-stop, integrated information sources exist.

And that’s why the Renewable Energy Mini MBA course agenda is our most popular. It will provide you with a complete, up-to-date and easy to understand analysis of the renewable energy market. And to provide clarity on what is a complex and interconnected series of scientific and economic influences.
Delegates will understand that technology, finance, policy and resource availability cannot work in isolation. Instead, you will learn and model how all must fit together. In order to create a sustainable, affordable and profitable low-carbon energy world.

For more information click here.

© 2014, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

renewables, clean, renewable energy, power, electricity, climate change, global warming, GHGs, greenhouse gases, pollution, pollution free, emissions free,

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