US Senators Climate Change Slumber Party

On the night of March 10 into the morning of March 11, Democratic and Independent US Senators pulled an all-nighter to discuss climate change. A total of 28 Senators spoke all night to urge action on climate change.

“Climate change is real, it is caused by humans, and it is solvable,” said Senator Schatz, he went on to say why he was participating in the climate change slumber party: “Congress must act. On Monday night we’re going to show the growing number of Senators who are committed to working together to confront climate change,” Schatz said.

Senator Boxer said: “So many Senators coming together for an all-night session shows our commitment to wake up Congress to the dangers of climate change. All you have to do is look at China to see what happens to your country when you throw the environment under the bus.”

"The cost of Congress' inaction on climate change is too high for our communities, our kids and grandkids, and our economy," Senator Whitehouse said. "On Monday we’ll be sending a clear message: it’s time for Congress to wake up and get serious about addressing this issue."

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