Event - The Proudly for Purpose Telesummit: Demystifying the Purpose Economy

The Proudly for Purpose Telesummit: Demystifying the Purpose Economy will take place on March 24 – 28, 2014. Join 12 thought leaders as we explore the purpose economy. Register here FREE to discover how our economy is shifting from profit-driven to purpose-driven, and what it means to you and your company.

There is growing global awareness that the existing business model is ‘self-serving’ and outdated, and that growth and wealth need to be defined by a holistic mix of ethical, natural, financial, manufactured, intellectual, human and social capital. Our economy is entering a new period where purpose arises as the ultimate capital and the cornerstone of making a difference to the kind of lives future generations have the right to expect.

You are invited to share in the insights of the thought leaders and action heroes driving the purpose economy!


24 March 2014 at 14:00 (GMT+00) Ralph Thurm Co Founder – ThriveAbility Consortium & A|HEAD|Ahead The Netherlands

Principles of ThriveAbility: Shaping the next economic paradigm.

ThriveAbility offers an elegantly simple way of ensuring the survival of our species by finding new ways of integrating sustainable breakthroughs into thriving lifestyles, organizations and communities.

The ultimate goal is to create a new attractor to encourage actions that enable life conditions for healthy human emergence and a thriving planet. Therefore, ThriveAbility offers frameworks and insights that radically simplify many of the tough decisions we have to make on a daily basis to ensure our wellbeing and that of future generations. In short, we learn to live lives that thrill us with their richness and lightness of footprint, while inspiring others to follow in our footsteps.


24 March 2014 at 15:30 (GMT+00) Dr. Wayne Visser Transnet Chair of Sustainable Business – GIBS; Director – Kaleidoscope Futures; Founder – CSR International UK and South Africa

Future Fitness: Making the Purpose Economy Safe, Smart, Shared, Sustainable and Satisfying.

What are the mega-trends shaping our world? And what futures-thinking tools will you need to be more resilient and successful in the 21st century? In short, are you fit for the future?

Will your product, organisation, community, city or country survive and thrive in 10, 20, 50 or even 100 years? How can we – as individuals, businesses, communities and policy-makers – prepare for the future?

How can we maximize our chances of success, not only by being ready, but also by helping to shape the future that we desire? This interview will explore answers to these questions.


25 March 2014 at 14:00 (GMT+00) Michael Townsend CEO & Founder – Earthshine Solutions & The Sustainable Economy Project United Kingdom

Sustainable Economy: Inspiring the Quiet Revolution.

We do not have to be constrained by our current dysfunctional system of capitalism, argues Michael Townsend. Capitalism is at the crossroads. Since the onset of the worst financial crisis in living memory, capitalism is suffering a crisis of liquidity, reliability, and confidence.

It is facing accusations of failing to create shared wealth, of neglecting the planet, of generating an ever-widening gap in our societies, and even in failing its primary allies – the shareholders. But there is much cause for hope.

People are already finding and implementing more attractive alternatives. A quiet revolution is under way…


25 March 2014 at 15:30 (GMT+00) Aaron Hurst Founder – Taproot Foundation & CEO – Imperative United States

The Purpose Economy.

35 years after his uncle, Marc Porat, coined the term ‘Information Economy’ and predicted the rise of Silicon Valley, Aaron Hurst lays out his case that the next evolution of the American economy is emerging. This time based on the creation of purpose.

Building on his experience catalyzing the $15 billion pro bono service market and working with a new generation of entrepreneurs, Aaron describes how the new economy is changing work, organizations and markets to better serve people and the world. He is touching onto ways to thrive in the new economy and change the world in the process.


25 March 2014 at 17:00 (GMT+00) Jim Armstrong Founder - MAP: Message and Purpose United States

How to Unearth, Capture and Communicate your Noble Purpose.

Organizations, businesses and leaders can find their best laid plans and communications drifting off course, straying from their authentic voice and intentions and roaming through a wilderness of rudderless tactics, empty words and disconnected images resulting in pained expressions such as ‘Where are we?’, ‘Who are we?’, ‘Where are we going?’ – all lined up behind the most important question—‘Why?”.

The route to meaningful, authentic, confident and even courageous planning and communicating starts at a place called ‘Purpose’ – a place realized when you begin to ask ‘Why’. Even guru Peter Drucker understood this when he proclaimed “If we want to know what a business is, we have to start with purpose”. But how does a business realize it’s noble purpose? Jim Armstrong will share his approach of unearthing, capturing and communicating a noble purpose through his MAP: Message And Purpose process.


26 March 2014 at 14:00 (GMT+00) Nicola Robins Co-founder & Director – Incite South Africa & Global

Purpose as a Driver of Value, Innovation and Competitiveness.

Profit is a useful mechanism. But short-term profit at any cost is dysfunctional. Purpose is another useful mechanism. But purpose alone, within a profit-obsessed society, will be constrained in its impact.

When purpose and profit operate together, they create a vortex of change that reshapes the world. How do companies respond skilfully to the social pressures that limit their potential? They do their homework. They create opportunities that deliver social innovation – at scale – as a business proposition. For disruptive innovators, this is nothing new. What’s new is that companies that fail to engage in this space are starting to wonder where they went wrong.

Tracey Webster

26 March 2014 at 15:30 (GMT+00) Tracey Webster Executive Director – African Leadership Institute South Africa & Africa

Building Purposeful, Visionary and Strategic Leadership Across Africa.

The African Leadership Institute exists to build the capacity and capability of visionary, innovative and strategic leadership across the African continent. We believe that without strong leadership all other excellent initiatives will be stifled. The Archbishop Desmond Tutu is the patron of the institute and The Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellowship is the flagship programme of the Institute.

Twenty Tutu Fellows are selected every year from across the continent through a nominations only process – these are the brightest and most innovative leaders spanning all sectors under the age of 40. By the end of the year there will be 200 Tutu Fellows across the continent who are determined to journey together and play a role in the transformation of Africa.

Tracey takes us through what the values underpinning this network of young leaders are? What is the moral compass we are trying to nurture in our actions as leaders.


27 March 2014 at 12:30 (GMT+00) Deon Robbertze Founder & Director – Change Agent; Founder & Director – Sustain Our Africa; Creator – The Good Report South Africa & Global

Sustainability at the Crossroads: Time to Embrace the Digital Revolution.


27 March 2014 at 14:00 (GMT+00) Cedric Scheepers Founding CEO – Quainted South Africa & Global

Human Capital Growth: New innovative ways to weave it into the DNA of your business.

Wendy Addison

27 March 2014 at 15:30 (GMT+00) Wendy Addison Creator & Owner – SpeakOut SpeakUp United Kingdom Ethical 

Capital and Moral Courage: What Boards Should Know.

How were shareholders of LeisureNet Limited blindsided? LeisureNet was supposed to have hired the best and the brightest, and for a long time many people knew that illegal practices were abounding, books were being cooked, and lies were being spread about the success of the company even as it was failing. The system did not empower people to question or challenge anything even though it was going horribly wrong.

It is what has come to be known as “administrative evil” in which systems adopt legal-political ideologies that enable any means necessary to achieve the desired end goals of profit, success, of “better, faster, cheaper.”

Teaching Moral Courage that will build systems that create atmospheres of empowerment for everyone within their orbit of power is surely in the spirit of the King III Report.


28 March 2014 at 14:00 (GMT+00) Allon Raiz Chief Excitement Officer – Raizcorp South Africa

A Purpose Driven Prosperator: The Journey.

Growing entrepreneurial businesses remain the backbone of a sustainable economy. Raizcorp, Africa’s premier business incubator model, is driven by one purpose – to grow profitable entrepreneurial businesses.

Through a rigorous selection process, programmes are targeted to those with the highest potential to succeed. Once selected, the entrepreneurs are exposed to a high-touch support programme that continues to produce excellent results.

We learn from Chief Entrepreneurial Officer, Allon Raiz what inspires him to walk this journey, what inspires the entrepreneurs he takes along this journey and which characteristics make these entrepreneurs successful.

Peter Hayward 

28 March 2014 at 15:30 (GMT+00) Peter Hayward CEO & Founder – Hayward’s Grand African Safari’s South Africa & Africa

Conscious Leadership Rooted in Ubuntu: Africa’s role in the renaissance of business ethics and purpose driven economies.

Before production, before profit, before technology or even administration comes the subject of ethics, and the viewpoint that everything is interconnected and creates the universe we see around us.

Ubuntu is the African’s ancient look at what is presented and how it is approached so that the social order benefits and therefore the individual survives well into the future in a sustainable way.

Click here to register for one of these webinars.

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