Video - Extreme Weather May not be More Frequent now but it Will Be

We're living in a warmer world, we're living in a melting world, and sea levels are rising. Bill Patzert, a scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, says while we may not be seeing evidence of more frequent weather events in the US at present but we are seeing clear evidence of global warming and this is known to increase extreme weather events.

Superstorm Sandy slammed into North America in late October 2012 and approximately one year later Superstorm Haiyan, perhaps the strongest storm ever to make landfall, struck Asia. People are asking questions about extreme weather and the relationship to climate change. Fueled by warmer seas caused by global warming these destructive weather anomalies are certain to increase as the world gets warmer.

We know for sure that extreme weather comes with extreme cost and according to Nasa scientists the situation will get worse as the planet warms.

"But what is true is that in this country, in the United States, we live in many areas with great risk to drought, to tornadoes, to hurricanes, and so part of the dialogue is not only extreme weather and global warming, but is the amount of risk we can tolerate. Now looking to the future, global change, global warming - it definitely is accelerating and it will have an impact on extreme weather, but at this point, not much."

Click here to see more of NASA's answers to questions on climate science.

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