Video - Greenpeace Global Day of Action to Free the Arctic 30

On November 16 people around the world will gather to speak out at events demanding the release of the Arctic 30. These 28 activists and two journalists have been imprisoned in Russia for staging a protest against a Gazprom drilling platform in the Arctic.

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea could have a provisional order on the case brought by the Netherlands, seeking the release of our ship and its crew, as early as November 22. This all means we have less than 2 weeks to bring the world’s attention to the Arctic 30, and raise our voices together to free them.

Gazprom and Shell are about to sign a deal that could see the two embark on an Arctic oil rush worth up to half a trillion dollars. In the UK and elsewhere people will go to Shell stations and demand that they speak out against the detention of the Arctic 30.

Click here to find an event close to you.

30 additional ways you can help to free the Arctic 30
  1. Send a letter to the Russian embassy in your country.
  2. Get to know the Arctic 30 - Read and share their profiles.
  3. Get the facts about the Arctic 30 - Read and share the timeline.
  4. Watch and share this video about Gazprom and Shell.
  5. Send an email to friends and family asking them to send a letter to Russian embassies.
  6. Tweet about the Arctic 30.
  7. Ask friends on Facebook to send a letter to Russian embassies.
  8. Add a twibbon to your Twitter profile picture.
  9. Change your Facebook profile picture.
  10. Add an Arctic 30 banner on your website.
  11. Download a poster, print it and put it in your window.
  12. Ask your local shops or restaurants to put posters in their windows.
  13. Make origami for the Arctic 30 and share it on Instagram.
  14. Go to Shell's Facebook page and ask them about their partnership with Gazprom.
  15. Go to Gazprom's Facebook page and ask about the Arctic 30.
  16. Call Shell and ask them about their partnership with Gazprom.
  17. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper about the Arctic 30.
  18. Print these signs and get 15 friends, a camera and tag an event.
  19. Add a banner to your email signature. 
  20. Write a blog about the Arctic 30 and share it with us.
  21. Write a song about the Arctic 30 and share it with us.
  22. Write to your representative, congressperson, national assembly representative, and voice your concern about the Arctic 30.
  23. Organise a small vigil with a few friends in a local public park.
  24. Print and distribute a leaflet about the Arctic 30 - or leave it at the check-out of a friendly local business.
  25. Write positive comments under online articles about the Arctic 30.
  26. Make and share social media images and memes.
  27. If you’re a student in high school or university, talk to your class about the Arctic 30.
  28. Create your own poster.
  29. Help the Arctic 30 defeat Big Oil: If you still drive your car to work, pick at least one day a week to commute by bike or public transport.
  30. Help the Arctic 30 protect the Arctic from climate change: If it's possible in your area, switch your electricity company to a renewable energy supplier.
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