Video - Russia Earns New Fossil Award: Disastrous Diplomacy Dishonorable Distinction (4D)

On June 13 Russia earned the dubious distinction of being awarded a new fossil award called Disastrous Diplomacy Dishonorable Distinction (4D). This is due to the fact that Russia has monopolized the fossil awards lately. For this reason, CAN is giving Russia special recognition with the Disastrous Diplomacy Dishonorable Distinction (4D) Award.

Never before has the agenda and work of an entire Subsidiary Body of the UNFCCC has been held hostage to the whims of one country, or more likely one negotiator.

Russia claims they want to discuss the rules of procedure here at the UNFCCC yet they rejected all solutions that offered to do so. So the mystery of their continued blocking (with Belarus and Ukraine continuing to go along for the ride) around such a political issue remains.

If they do want to make a political statement this should be done between Ministers in a Ministerial meeting, not at the negotiator level.

Disconcertingly, all this it remains unresolved, and it is not clear whether Russia, Belarus and Ukraine will continue to disrupt progress during the COP in Warsaw, when we desperately need to focus on getting emissions down, and finance up.

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