Independence Day 2013: Declaration of Freedom from Fossil Fuels

Two hundred and thirty seven years ago, US colonies freed themselves from the injustice of British rule, now America needs to free itself from the injustice of fossil fuels. The United States' Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. On that day, thirteen American colonies proclaimed their freedom from Great Britain. On the fourth of July 2013, America needs to start thinking seriously about a declaration of freedom from fossil fuels.

A few years after the American revolution, the industrial revolution dawned, beginning America's meteoric rise to global dominance. However, fossil fuels are the engine that drove this growth and they are also the leading cause of climate change.
Americans have some important choices to make.  Ending fossil fuel subsidies is an important first step. But this cannot be accomplished as long as Americans vote for Republicans who continue their unyielding support for dirty energy.

We must rethink some of the basic notions of the old economy. We need to move towards more efficient and sustainable visions of the future. It is time for Americans to declare their independence and begin working towards a future free of fossil fuels.

© 2013, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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