Obama's Speech Signals the End of the Debate on Climate Change and the Dawn of Consorted Action

June 25th, 2013 will be remembered by history as the day America committed itself to act domestically and lead globally on climate change. On this day the President delivered an unprecedented speech at Georgetown University.

The President unveiled his new climate change strategy which involves mitigation, adaptation and building resilience. Specifically the President has vowed to reduce emissions from exisiting coal-fired power plants and transportation, increase renewable energy, enhance efficiency and prepare communities for the impacts of climate change.

Climate change impacts will now be factored into every governmental decision. This will have far reaching implications for the conduct of the most powerful government on earth. It will impact the government's procurement policies, new infrastructure, land and water management, and resource development.

Perhaps most importantly it is a signal to the wider world that the debate on climate change is over and the time for real consorted action has begun.

Obama has pledged to work with major polluting countries like China and India to curb emissions which builds on a recent agreement with China to phase out hydrofluorocarbons.

It is with good reason that Al Gore called it "the best Presidential address on climate change ever."

The President`s speech on June 25, 2013 is historic. This is the day America not only enjoined the struggle against climate change but assumed the leadership role.

© 2013, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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