Jeremy Rifkin on the "Third Industrial Revolution": How Renewable Energy and the Internet are Changing the World

Renowned economist Jeremy Rifkin has put forth a compelling theory about how Internet technology and renewable energy are merging to create a powerful "Third Industrial Revolution." Here is a brief except of Rifkin's presentation at a March 20, 2013 sustainability conference in Montreal, Canada. Rifkin was one of a number of experts who discussed energy efficiency, green cities and clean energy.

The conference was titled "Going Green - Smart Choices for a Sustainable Future." Specialists shared ideas on the main challenges and business opportunities associated with the emergence of an "intelligent" economy, based on clean energy and sustainable growth. The event reviewed best practices for creating partnership opportunities between cities.

"Internet technology and renewable energy are merging to create a powerful 'Third Industrial Revolution.' Imagine hundreds of millions of people producing their own green energy in their homes, offices and factories, and sharing it with each other in an 'energy Internet,' just like we now create and share information online. The five pillars of the Third Industrial Revolution will create thousands of businesses and millions of jobs, and usher in a fundamental reordering of human relationships, from hierarchical to lateral power, that will impact the way we conduct business, govern society, educate our children and engage in civic life," said Mr. Rifkin in his presentation.
Rifkin is president of the Foundation on Economic Trends and a best-selling author. Supporting evidence for his thesis appears to be borne out in the profound changes witnessed in what is widely referred to as the Arab Spring.

For more information on Rifkin's theory click here.

© 2013, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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  1. Back in the 1980's,you couldn't pick up a newspaper or magazine without reading about Rifkin attacking Biotechnology.He filed numerous lawsuits against it.His
    main objection was that scientists and biotech companies were rushing to use this technology without all the facts.He raised concerns and issues and warned of unforeseen consequences.But now,with his Third Industrial Revolution,Rifkin's doing
    the exact opposite.He's getting people all riled up and excited about renewable energy.He's getting them all anxious to jump on the Third Industrial Revolution
    bandwagon and make the switch to renewable energy.The problem here is that Rifkin's
    not raising concerns and issues with renewable energy like he did with Biotechnology
    He's not questioning the cost and safety of hydrogen storage and the reliability of
    solar panels and wind generator's and their impact on both society and the enviorment.
