Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum Program for June 15

  •  9:00 AM  -  12:00 PM
    3rd PRME Global Forum: Setting the Incentives for Responsible Management Education 

    This session will review the external factors that facilitate change within the global business/management school system and the challenges of managing those change processes. Key drivers of these processes will be covered, including: accreditation and rankings; student demand; political/legislative change affecting curricula and funding at the national level. A plenary session will be followed by roundtable discussions focused on the question: What are the external incentives (e.g., accreditation, rankings of business schools), and how can they further support the values of sustainable development and responsible management education?

    12:00 PM  -  4:30 PM
    The X Annual Local Networks Forum

    The Annual Local Network Forum (ALNF), as a vital part of the Global Compact’s governance framework, is the primary occasion for Local Networks from around the world to convene, share experiences, learn from each other and to network. This year’s ALNF will feature an overview of Global Compact networks and their role in the development of the initiative in the preceding year. The Forum will also have a forward-looking perspective of network differentiation with the introduction of "Sustainability Hubs". Other agenda items include new proposals by the governance and network funding sub-working groups, as well as discussions on the unique role of networks in facilitating collective action and policy dialogues. There will further be brief discussions to schedule regional meetings to be held later in the year.

    2:00 PM  -  5:00 PM
    3rd PRME Global Forum: Innovation in Practice

    Once a higher education institution begins to integrate the values of the Global Compact and PRME, challenges and opportunities arise around how to adapt its core business model, teaching methods, research, and campus practices. This session will highlight inspirational examples as well as resources and tools for successful implementation of the Principles. A plenary session will be followed by roundtable discussions focused on the question: What are the challenges and opportunities facing individual schools to implement and advance responsible management education and how can PRME support this process?

    3:30 PM  -  6:00 PM
    10th Meeting of the Global Compact Anti-Corruption Working Group

    The Global Compact Working Group on the Tenth Principles against Corruption will meet on the topic of embedding compliance, ethics and integrity for the future we want.
    5:00 PM  -  5:30 PM
    3rd PRME Global Forum: Closing Session (Invitation Only)

    This session will identify key recommendations for higher education, business, and government leaders on what is needed to scale up the practices and innovative solutions addressed at the Global Forum.

    6:00 PM  -  8:00 PM
    Official Opening Ceremony of the Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum

    Marking the official opening of the Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum, this session will emphasize the critical need for increased uptake and action to advance corporate sustainability. Participants will learn about the Forum objectives and will be presented with existing examples of innovation and collaboration aimed to inspire them as they prepare for the following two days. The Opening Ceremony will be followed by a cocktail reception.

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