Puma Wins the Guardians' Sustainable Business Award

The Guardian announced that German athletic brand Puma was the winner of its Sustainable Business Award. This award is given for corporate initiatives that tackle pressing environmental and social challenges. Puma was recognized for its ground-breaking Environmental Profit and Loss Account. The accounting method puts a direct monetary value on ecosystem services used by the business – such as fresh water, clean air, healthy biodiversity and productive land – and on the negative impacts a company has on the environment.

The Guardian says its judges look for projects that are replicable and inspire other businesses to act. Puma’s parent company PPR announced that it is extending the environmental accounting practice to its entire line of luxury and lifestyle brands. Puma also won in the Biodiversity category. Ian Cheshire, CEO of European home improvement retailer Kingfisher, received the readers vote for Sustainable Business Leader of the Year award, and Ray Anderson, founder of modular carpet company Interface, received a posthumous award for Outstanding Achievement.

The other categories and winners are: 

Built Environment: Igloo Regeneration
Carbon: Sainsbury’s Supermarkets
Collaboration: SABMiller Communicating
Sustainability: The Co-operative Group
Energy: Sainsbury Supermarkets
Engaging Employees: Brother Industries
Innovation: Interface
Social Impact: Carillion
Supply chain: Marks & Spencer and Veja
Waste and Recycling: Desso Water: SABMiller

For more information on the winning projects and runners up click here.

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