Ocean Energy 2012 in Brussels On June 26th and 27th Ocean Energy 2012 will be held in Brussels, Belgium. This conference offers an unparalleled opportunity to network with the leading policy makers, industrial players, supply chain partners, technology developers, utilities and investors. For more information or to register click here.
Surface Water Management 2012 in London: On June 28 and 29 a conference will be held on surface water management. It will take place at the CIWEM in London. This conference will set out a vision but also be rooted in demonstrating the practical delivery of projects from a wide variety of perspectives. For more information or to register click here.
Building the Water Agenda: On the 9th and 10th of July a conference will be held on water policy will take place in London. The key issues to be addressed include the challenges facing water issues at policy level nationally and internationally. For more information or to register click here.
Water Pollution 2012 - International Conference on Modeling, Monitoring and Management: On July 10 through 12 a conference called Water Pollution 2012 will be taking place at the Wessex Institute of Technology in New Forest, UK. This is the 11th International Conference on modeling, monitoring and management of water pollution. For more information or to register click here.
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This situation is no longer deniable. During my lifetime, many have understood the Global Predicament we are facing now, but only a few 'voices in the wilderness' were willing to speak out loudly and clearly about what everyone can see. It is not a pretty sight. The human community has precipitated a planetary emergency that only humankind is capable of undoing. The present 'Unsustainable Path' has to be abandoned in favor of a "road less travelled by". It is late; there is no time left to waste. Perhaps now we will gather our remarkably abundant, distinctly human resources and respond ably to the daunting, human-induced, global challenges before us, the ones that threaten life as we know it and the integrity of Earth as a fit place for human habitation. Many voices, many more voices are needed for making necessary changes.