Sustainable Procurement Guidelines and Procedures

Organizations interested in sustainable development should develop Sustainable Procurement Guidelines and Procedures. Sustainable procurement guidelines and procedures involve a holistic approach to developing more responsible procurement and supply chain strategies.

These guidelines and procedures frequently include methods of measuring sustainability, sustainable procurement standards and best practice.

Such guideline are an important part of formulating a successful action plan and quantifying the benefits generated by its implementation.

When it comes to purchasing products or services, referral to these guidelines helps to establish an organization as a leader in environmentally responsible purchasing.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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  1. I would say, that creating a business case for the Responsible Procurement program (or journey) is probably the most important thing to create. Numbers matter, especially to top-management.

    Sustainable Procurement isn´t working if top management is not involved.

    So create the numbers, then the governance structure and then at the end the principles.

  2. Thank you for the comment Alis, I agree that top management must be involved. And while I agree that numbers matter, I disagree as to which comes first the numbers or the principles. In my experience as a consultant, the principles inform the governance structure which in turn determine the numbers. To make the business case requires leadership and leadership on the issue of sustainable procurement guidelines is derived from principles. However, as with all sound business decisions, these principles are steeped in the profit motive.

  3. I work in procurement and I found that Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Social Compliance Program are very good resources for Sustainable Procurement.
