The team has organized some extraordinary things in the last couple of years including The International Day of Climate Action in 2009, which CNN called "the most widespread day of political action the world has ever seen" and last year's 10/10/10 event.
350 is an independent non-profit global movement that derives its name from the upper safe limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Scientists say that 350 parts per million (ppm), is the number humanity needs to get below as soon as possible to avoid runaway climate change. 350's goal is to spread a scientific understanding of the climate crisis and a shared vision for equitable solutions.
The "Next Big Thing" will take this movement to the next level. This event calls for an unprecedented wave of climate action that includes a clear set of ambitious demands.
To become part of the movement, visit, become a fan of on and follow them on twitter by visiting
© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.
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